Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I used to believe better days would never make way into my life. I was starting to believe nothing ever got better and happiness was overexaggerated. We would simply confuse a 'decent' day for a 'good' day, because we would be lowering our standards towards happiness. That's all life is about - standards. When we aren't happy with one thing, we lower our standards to be happy with the next best thing. But when you pray for better days, as I had been doing, those days shine light into your world.

2007 was promised to be a better year for us all, and though a month has passed, people around me have already encouraged negativity. We must always believe better days wait us in the future, it gives us hope and reason to look for a brighter tomorrow. It gives us a reason to wake up in the morning and make it through the day. We change with each and every day, and the struggles we face in life shape us into stronger individuals, but that's the beauty of aging. With age comes wisdom. When asked what my biggest fear is, I reply with "change" because of the endless possibilies, whether negative or positive. Remember to keep your head up and look for a better day.