MySpace for me began as a tool to promote my music to those who cared. It began has a hobby and transformed into life and slowly took over. But when you grow to love something as much as I did to music, you begin to live with it and it becomes apart of you. Then you find yourself in a position where you're stuck.
What happens when you have a change of heart?
Do you continue something just so people don't call you a quitter? Or do you let it go and try to move on. One-Way has been with me since 2003 and it's been rougly four years I have dedicated my time and effort. When the end result isn't worth the dedication, your passion burns out.
Without the help of producers, investors, and managers - I built a name for myself. From school battles to writing rhymes in a journal, I kept rising on my own pace, as I began recording tracks completely produced, engineered and mixed by myself. I was my own producer, engineer, and writer.
What grew to become a problem was that music was my life. The problem now is, music WAS my life. To move on with your life and live a healthy, balanced and satisfactory one, you must let go of certain things. With time comes change and we must all move on.
I no longer feel like a quitter. I was cheated all throughout my life and felt unappreciated. And although I never had the chance to release my final song, I no longer need to. But fear not, because you will be hearing more of me in the future. Not as One-Way, however. Under who I really am..
-Armen Karaoghlanian.