Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I have made this "journal" too public to speak about anything too private, so I will try not to be as direct as I would like to.

After a while, we need to learn to let go of certain things. Whether it be habits, dreams, or even friends. If you ever find yourself unhappy, ask yourself the following question: "What's the main source of my pain?" What's making you unhappy? Find the answer, and take it out of your life. Some may argue and say I'm wrong, but if you think about it logically, I could very well be right. If the main problem in your life is, let's say, school - I obviously do not encourage you to drop out. I would tell you to debate if school is the right choice for you, and if you believe it is, you would have to think your education over, and plan it correctly. Get yourself on the right path. However, finding the reason why you are unhappy, and simply fixing it or deleting it from your life, I believe, will result in happiness.

I bring this up because I accomplished it today. I had a realization over one of my biggest concerns, and decided to let it go. I would be inflicting more pain on myself if I kept dealing with it, so the burden is no more. I have a whole lot more to worry about, and quite frankly, those are actual problems. This wasn't. The advice given friends, the nights I stayed awake thinking about what to do, have now all gone to waste. Let's go back to "Fate" as a reference and reminisce: "If it is meant to happen, it will." It wasn't. And there is no use sitting around worrying about why or why not.